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The Solari Report 2015-07-16

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The Solari Report 2015-07-16

“An excellent man, like precious metal, is in every way invariable; a villain, like the beams of a balance, is always varying, upwards and downwards.”
~ John Locke

This week on the Solari Report I will talk with Jordan Eliseo, chief economist of ABC Bullion, leading Australian precious metals and bullion specialist.

Jordon’s breadth of experience in securities, commodities and financial planning gives him a unique perspective on the role of gold and silver in an integrated portfolio strategy.

Jordan has worked in the financial industry in both Sydney and London, and ran a successful investment fund  He is the author of Dire Straits: Money for Nothing–Debt for Free. Jordan holds a BA in Banking and International Finance from Flinders University and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA. He also holds the Diploma in Financial Planning (Financial Services) with specialist SMSF accreditation.

Jordan will update us on the Australian economy in addition to recent events in the precious metals market and Asia’s growing role in the gold and silver markets. For subscribers interested in holding precious metals “Down Under,” we will cover the options offered by ABC Bullion to citizens from North America, Europe and New Zealand. You will find Jordan’s slides and charts in the subscriber section when we post the interview.

For Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the James Bond film Quantum of Solace.  Commodities prices may be down, but geopolitical competition to control natural resources is on the rise. Quantum of Solace offers an important insight on some of the more fashionable tactics used to exercise control.

Given recent developments, we will have plenty to talk about in Money & Markets. Talk to you Thursday!

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