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By Justin McCurry
Elite squad of technicians face fire, radiation and exhaustion in cramped and potentially lethal conditions to cool reactors.
The men and women struggling to avert disaster at th…
Here are the Friday charts: Set One, Set Two, Set Three, Set Four
Guess Who Is Taking Delivery of 1.7 Tonnes of Gold From The Comex
Jesses Crossroads Cafe (30 April 10)
Moore Capital Fined in Platinum Manipulation Case
GATA (29 April 10)
France, Shaking In Its Cul…
Julian Assange: Aspects of the Chinese government, Chinese Public Security Service, appear to be terrified of free speech, and while one might say that means something awful is happening in the coun…
I’m Waiting for Google to Explain Why They Deleted Natural News
Jon Rappoport | 24 February 2017
First Amendment, and the blood-soaked…
Genetic Manipulation of Humans: Jeff Rense and Jon Rappopor…
“Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior.”
~ Dee Hock
Special thanks to Larry Hoffen…