By Catherine Austin Fitts

It’s a miracle!

Glen Greenwald publishes article after article dishing out the dirt on the largest corporations and one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world. To our knowledge, he is not harassed with biowarfare and electromagnetic weapons, his paycheck is not cut off, he is not poisoned, his car is not run off the road nor does it explode for no reason driving down the street in the middle of the night or the thousand other steps routinely taken to stop reporters and whistle-blowers who threaten the powers that be. Yes his partner was held up at the airport. Small potatoes in the scheme of how this game is played.

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Charlie Rose publishes an interview with Assad on government financed TV station with a satellite feed that can easily be turned off and controlled by DOD. CBS republishes parts of it. April Oliver’s Sarin Gas story long ago was pulled from CBS when DOD threatened their satellite feed.

The reporters whose livelihoods have been destroyed and whose lives have been threatened, the family of reporters who have been assassinated, are no doubt shaking their head and asking how come Glen Greenwald and Charlie Rose are so lucky.

Greenwald could not be doing what he is doing, nor could Charlie Rose unless the City of London and the Pentagon wanted them to. Which means that what I call the “Midianite Thing” has reached a new pitch. Insiders are warring with each other through the corporate media.

I am glad that Greenwald and Rose are lucky. The warring through them is providing one of the first authentic civic value educations that the global population has enjoyed. As part of that education, we need to ask the question:

Who is providing protection to Glen Greenwald and Charlie Rose and why?

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