I am convinced more than ever that over a long-period, the real safety and growth of our capital lies in honest entrepreneurship – not in gold, silver, or government bonds.
~ Tony Deden, Sage Capital
I am convinced more than ever that over a long-period, the real safety and growth of our capital lies in honest entrepreneurship – not in gold, silver, or government bonds.
~ Tony Deden, Sage Capital
By Tyler Durden
Madoff trustee charges JP Morgan with “Enabling” massive fraud; $1 billion in profits and $5.4 billion in damages sought to be recovered. Says JP Morgan had clear doubts about Madof…
By Celeste Katz
Our Ken Lovett reports:
In a 5-2 decision, a bitterly split Court of Appeals, said the state’s awarding of tax-payer funded state economic development loans and grants to private…
World Bank president Robert Zoellick has clarified recent comments about gold.
No, the head of the World Bank isn’t advocating a return to the gold standard.
“I don’t believe you can ret…
Wyman Meinzer’s West Texas
Vimeo | 2012
Top Cellist Has His Bow Snapped by US Airport Security
Slipped Disk | 11 February 2013
Alban Gerhardt was having his instrument exa…
Business and government officials met in China to continue discussions on centralizing control and management of the global economy.
Continue reading Summer Meeting 2009
FROM: Getting to Real Solutions – A Dialogue with Bonnie Faulkner
Catherine Austin Fitts: So let me tell you another one of my bugaboos: B corporations.
Bonnie Faulkner: Okay what’s a B corporation…