Did you know that some of the most powerful entrepreneurial ideas in the lexicon of human knowledge arose from the ashes of economic catastrophe? It’s true. And the reason is a lot simpler than you think: when times get tough, unemployment increases. So what do people do? They become entrepreneurs.

If you’re thinking about starting a business — or even keeping one afloat in this economy — don’t be discouraged by the climate. If anything, find inspiration in the fact that — no matter what happens — things will turn around eventually. Of course, eventually could be a long time, so you should prepare for an extended winter — especially considering the reckless irresponsibility with which our leaders are handling our currency and our banking industry. But once it’s over, the new generation of industrialists will come from small-business thinkers who knew how to stay lean and efficient when times were tough.

Continue reading Using Technology to Start a Successful Business in (Spite of) a Depression

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