By The Daily Bell

So it turns out it is full speed ahead for the Trans-Texas Corridor! You know, it’s kind of incredible. We can hardly keep track of the pressure being applied to the poor, bleeding union of “these united States” – and to Mexico as well. We’ve pointed out the seemingly deliberate drug war that is destabilizing Mexico, and how the health care bill will likely add pressure to the debate to legalize illegal immigrants. We’ve tried to indicate that an immigration bill itself, were it to be considered by Congress, would add additional pressure to pursue a de-factor merger. But the continued pursuit of the Trans-Texas Corridor is the “smoking gun” in our opinion.

These people just don’t stop. They haven’t missed a beat. The rage in America over the Bush/McCain inspired “immigration reform” was palpable, and you would have thought that would have halted it for at least a decade or more. Instead, it merely seems to have driven the planning further underground. But the pincer continues to close from all angles and astonishing as it seems, those who plan these sorts of escapades (including the EU, etc.) seem determined to move ahead with a merger of
America, Mexico and the Canada.

It would certainly be paranoid of us to propose that the current, apparent, worldwide unraveling (which seems to be continuing) was a predictable result of an unstable global financial (central banking/fiat money) system and that the people in charge knew darn well what they were doing. Even more paranoid would be the suggestion that such a collapse was engineered to bring globalization a good deal closer – by giving the power elite the opportunity to harmonize financial regulations worldwide as a result (maybe the reason the G7 expanded to G20, etc.).

Since we realize this sounds paranoid and horrible (and since we care deeply what people think of us), we don’t suggest it – we withdraw even the thought. It is all coincidence, we agree. It could not be anything else. Nobody could wield such power, or work with such devious meticulousness.

And yet … this 20-lane high/railroad/bus-way would split America open like a piñata (to use an appropriate term). After it is constructed, the country will never be the same. One could make the argument that the Trans-Texas Corridor will do to 21st century America what the Civil War did to 18th century America. The nation will change in fundamental ways. Actually it will bifurcate – which would make a Mexican merger even easier.

Continue reading US Down, Trans-Texas Corridor Up

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