Madam Secretary:

You have asked Congress “Whose side are you on?” when they questioned US efforts in Libya.

See: Clinton Asks Congress, Whose Side Are You On?

Perhaps Congress should ask the same question of you, along with some additional unanswered questions.

1. Over $4 trillion went missing from the US government during the Clinton Administration. This included
$149 billion missing from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and $3.3 trillion missing from the Department of Defense.

See: The Missing Money

How much of that money was reinvested in China?

2. In the Spring of 1997, the head of the largest pension fund in the United States told me that a decision had been made to shift significant capital out of the US for reinvestment in Asia.

See: Dillon, Read & Co. Inc & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits: Financial Coup d’etat

Why did we transfer so many of the jobs and capital in America to a country that we expected to become a competitor for strategic natural resources, including in the Middle East?

Did this transfer of resources include funds laundered out of HUD and DOD? What do you think this transfer has to do with the current rate of unemployment in America?

See: Carlyle Group’s Asian Invasion

3. Can you describe the allegations of questionable technology transfer to China during the Clinton Administration?

Why did the allegations of transfer of weapons technology and other classified or sensitive knowledge persist during your husband’s Administration?

See: China Connections

4. Is our primary purpose for being in Libya to prevent the presence of the Chinese and their access to the energy resources of the country?

Are we playing the oil card.


The Oil Card: Global Economic Warfare in the 21st Century
(18 March 10)

Oil Card Geopolitics
(19 May 11)

5. Are you aware of the long history of Wall Street and corporate interests financing the creation of enemies to maintain a war economy?


The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Trading With the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949 [Hardcover]

IBM and The Holocaust

America’s Nazi Secret: An Insider’s History [Paperback]

6. Do you think that you are asking Congress to send American soldiers to fight and die in the Middle East to checkmate Chinese interests which have been, in turn, financed with money laundered from American agencies or from monies sourced from the American housing bubble and the pump and dump of the American stock market with frauds like Enron?

7. Do you think that a discussion of these issues during the Presidential campaign for the 2012 election would help inform our choice of leaders for the next term?

Related reading:

Trading With The Enemy Acts

Solari Report Blog Commentaries

Sam Smith on Hillary Clinton
(19 June 08)

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