A transcript of Catherine’s December 8, 2011 interview of Franklin Sanders on the Precious Metals Market Report is now available to Solari Report Subscribers!

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From the transcript:

Catherine Austin Fitts: We have a ton of questions that I’m going to ask you, but first let’s go into
the market. Tell us what’s been happening in precious metals. Franklin Sanders: Well, silver and gold both, since the August highs and the September lows, have been trading into an even-sided triangle, and if you think of the nose cone of a rocket, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what that looks like. And they’ve traded farther and farther out into that triangle, and they were pushing the upward boundary, the upper boundary of that. And then today, boom, we’ve got this big drop, $31 for gold and nearly $1.09 for silver. But when I pulled out the chart and looked at it, the interesting thing is that neither metal fell through that bottom boundary line, so what that says to me is that they’re still in good shape. Now, if they don’t follow through on the downside tomorrow – that is, if they don’t make new lows tomorrow or Monday – then I have to decide that the lows are behind us and they’ll be rallying in the first quarter of next year.

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