A transcript of Catherine’s April 19, 2012 interview with Jim Norman on the Solari Report is available to Subscribers!

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From the transcript:

Catherine: What we’re saying is there is certainly a profound change going on, both in terms of the relationship between the oil and gas prices, and in terms of building domestic reserves. If you sit back and look at what’s happening with currencies and state of the U.S. participation in trying to dominant the global economy, I think there is an argument to be made that the U.S. will be able to pull another rabbit out of the hat to keep its position strong.

To me, The Oil Card and the way that they’re managing it, says, yes, they can. They have the combination of control of natural reserves, management of the commodities and financial markets and military presence to play The Oil Card. So I say, yes, they can play The Oil Card and it’s going to make a dramatic difference to what the U.S. position is going to be globally over the next ten years. What do you say?

Jim Norman: Well, I think that’s exactly right. And, again, it’s like a poker game, where you don’t need to have all money in the world, you just need to have deeper pockets than the guy sitting next to you. And we do. And we know how to play this game so well, I think, that they can’t resist doing it. It’s their natural instinct now is to basically wage war through economic markets.

And they’re very good at it. I think they’ve figured out how to basically direct funds and to channel investment flows in ways that accomplish these purposes without leaving a fingerprint.

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