“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” ~ The Declaration of Independence

By Catherine Austin Fitts

What binds us together? First and foremost it is a commitment to the covenant we share. That covenant is in our hearts and minds. It is the basis of our culture and our law. The formal law means nothing without it.

The world is full of forces that would tear us apart. Don’t let them. Yes, shun the lawless. But hold the covenant in your heart and uphold the law to protect the lawful.

And why should you be lawful when those around you are not? Because the law can not be destroyed by government, nor by the lawless. As John Adams said, “the Revolution was in the hearts and the minds of the people.”

Government officials are behaving like a criminals. Bankers are behaving like criminals. But in the hierarchy of our reality, these people come and go. They are not the source of our covenant, nor are they the source of our power.

Our freedoms come to us by divine authority. As the Declaration of Independence also clearly states,  “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Our current government is like Kipling’s servant who has run wild:

THREE things make earth unquiet
And four she cannot brook
The godly Agur counted them
And put them in a book—
Those Four Tremendous Curses
With which mankind is cursed
But a Servant when He Reigneth
Old Agur entered first.

Government does not have the power to destroy our covenant. Only we can destroy the covenant and that is what we must not do.

I am alive today because hundreds of people insisted on obeying the law despite multiple efforts  and repeated orders to frame me by the richest, most powerful people in the world. Hundreds of people insisted on the law. Because they were committed to the covenant that we share. Because it was in their character. It cost some of them their jobs. Some took great risk.

I tell you that the law is alive – it continues to live in the hearts and the minds of the people.  That is what counts. That is what is worthy of your attention. Ignore the criminals. Invest in the people around you on whom you can count.

Yes, corruption is rampant, but that does not mean that you and I must be corrupt. Debasement is everywhere, but that does not mean that you and I can not strive to be excellent.

My dear friend Thomas Hupp always says “the bigger the breakdown, the bigger the breakthrough.” There is a lot that is breaking down around us. That is because it needs to break down — it is not working.

Whatever is being born begins with the covenant that we share – with our commitment to freedom and to individual rights.

Our individual choice will come down to this – free or slave. I tell you freedom is worth everything.  Freedom starts with nurturing our covenant. Freedom is worth living, fighting and dying for no matter what the cost.

So that freedom will flourish, let’s nurture our covenant to protect and honor our individual freedom, rights and responsibilities.

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” ~Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount







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