The Red Button. You never want to have an epiphany in the middle of a speech, but I did. In the summer of 2000, I spoke to a wonderful group of people called Spiritual Frontiers Foundation International. They have a conference once a year to talk about how they can help evolve our society spiritually. They are very dedicated, wonderful people.

A friend asked me to give a speech called “How the Money Works on Organized Crime.” In the middle of the speech, I described the fact that a reporter I was doing research for had been told by the Department of Justice that the U.S. economy and the financial system laundered $500 billion to $1 trillion a year of all dirty money.

So I said to this wonderful group of spiritually evolved people, “What would happen if we stopped laundering $500 billion to $1 trillion a year of all dirty money?”

We had a little interaction, and they said, “Well, the stock market would go down because that money would leave and go to Hong Kong or Singapore or Zurich, and we would have trouble financing the government deficit because we would offend the people who control that money and the accumulated capital for years thereon. Our government checks might stop, or our taxes might go up.”

So I said, “Okay. Well, let’s pretend that there is a big red button up here on the lectern, and if you push that button, you can stop all hard narcotics trafficking in your community, your state, and your country tomorrow, thus offending the people who control $500 billion to $1 trillion of annual dirty money. Who here will push the button?”

Out of 100 people, only one would push the button. I said to the other 99, “Why would you not push the button?”

They said, “We don’t want our mutual funds and our IRAs to go down in price, we don’t want our government checks to stop, and we don’t want our taxes to go up.”

So that is what I call “The Red Button problem.” The Solari mission is about how do we turn the red button green. In other words, how do we make money pushing the red button, because if we can make money pushing the red button, then we can push the red button.

By Catherine Austin Fitts

I have been getting requests for the Red Button story. So here are a variety of options. Above is a video version.

Then there is the narco dollars song:

The Solari Report: The Red Button

Related Reading:

Here is the short version in text:

The Red Button Problem

Here is the longer version in a lighter style:

Narco-Dollars for Beginners: How the Money Works in the Illicit Drug Trade

Here is how it is at the heart of the U.S. budget and debt mess:

Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

Finally, here is the long, serious version with significant documentation.

Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits

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