By Catherine Austin Fitts

One of my greatest prayers for America is that men and women have an honest conversation about how we have been played against each other and then black folks and white folks do the same. Miracles would happen.

This weekend I was on a radio show in an African American community in the United States. I have done this show several times before. IMO, they are good folks. Smart. Caring. Hard working.

They asked me whether or not the House Republicans were inspired to fight Obamacare because Obama was African-American. The question took me by surprise. If you look at numbers on what the ACA is doing to individuals and will do to small business, it is simply gut wrenching. Check out the comments on last week’s Solari Report blogpost. The idea of giving individuals the same delay that the Administration gave to businesses is compelling. The idea of taking time to come up with a plan that does not devastate small business or cause lots of low income workers to be thrown off the payroll makes sense if you care about working people.

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Who would go to the mat because they didn’t like the racial profile of the sitting President? They know that the President is not in charge. He is simply representing an accumulation of interests. If race is an issue, it is because those interests are smart to have a young, attractive, progressive sounding Democrat fronting for them. Obama is a good marketing face for where they are going – more central control. Obama made the $27 trillion of bailouts politically acceptable – an amazing political feat that was essential for the financial coup d’etat to go.

To give a sense of how upside down both the situation and perceptions are, take a look at my on line book, Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits. Let me give you some highlights.

In the Clinton Administration, one of the political appointees explained to me that “black people were hopeless.” They were going to be moved out of low income communities and replaced with hispanic immigration. Sure enough the Clinton Administration rolled out a series of enforcement efforts, dropping swat teams into poor communities in the District of Columbia that rounded up African-American young people and stuffed them into prison. Congress cut off the public defenders appropriations. That made it easier for everyone to cop a plea. Lots of wealthy Washingtonians were looking to profit on real estate in gentrified neighborhoods.

And the US Attorney for the District of Columbia who lead this effort? Eric Holder, current Attorney General of the United States.

Do we think he was in charge? Of course not, he was just “following orders.” That is how he ended up with a partnership in a Washington law firm and then as Attorney General.

The story on racial politics, like sexual politics, is really a story of divide and conquer politics played out by forces that wish to implement central control; that wish to shift $40 trillion out of pension funds and governments by invisible means, and keep it, while grinding down on the health care and retirement benefits it was supposed to pay.

Which is why I have always said, if we will simply bring transparency to how money REALLY works within our communities and networks, we could hate each other rich instead of hating each other poor.

But then, miracles of miracles, maybe there would be no reason to hate each other after all.

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