I grew up next to a University campus. My parents loved to learn. Our home was filled with books and people from diverse backgrounds.

One of my mother’s best friends had narrowly escaped the German concentration camps. Many in her family did not and died in the camps. I also met people who escaped Germany at the end of WWII to avoid prosecution or persecution as Nazis. I became curious about the practical details of how the Holocaust could have happened. An avid reader, I searched through book after book looking for explanations.

Implementing an operation that will offend or warn your potential victims – such as stealing all their money and assets, destroying their civil liberties or even killing them – involves some serious logistical challenges.

~ View Parts I through VI of this article here.

How do you kill the first 10%  without everyone else getting wind of the danger and stopping or killing you? People are ornery. They get upset about real threats and will organize and act. If you have sufficient weaponry, you can go ahead and “just do it.” However, then everyone knows who and what you are which can be threatening to your authority and financial operations, let alone the profitability of continued killing.

When I became Assistant Secretary of Housing in 1989, I had the opportunity to learn a great deal about large bureaucracies. Fascinated by the logistics of getting complex operations implemented on such a large scale, I studied long hours with exceptional career staff eager to teach an appointee the details of implementing government laws, regulations, programs and other forms of credit and spending. Added to my years on Wall Street as well as starting and running various businesses, it helped me build an understanding of how things work in both government and business from a household or a community up to the Oval Office and through to the money and players behind the scenes.

As the corruption spread throughout our society in the 1990’s, I was forced by circumstance to use that knowledge to estimate how the operations of systemic physical and financial violence in our society work. How is so much financial fraud engineered? How was it millions of Americans went along with a housing and debt bubble that bankrupted us? What about the distribution of narcotics into every community in America in ways that are invisible to most people? How is $500 billion – $1 trillion of the proceeds of mortgage and financial fraud, drug sales and other illegal businesses laundered through the US financial system with rarely a peep from the network news?

Whether long ago in Germany or more recently in the drugging and bankrupting of America, I kept coming back to the importance of building proprietary or secret databases and information systems to support your operations, particularly if you need it to be invisible.

Such operations are quite expensive, which is part of the beauty of having governments pay private companies and banks to collect and maintain such data, which can then be secretly aggregated and applied.  What looks like many different government agencies with diverse purposes, is really a few large defense contractors and banks building and maintaining vast databases that are easily aggregated in powerful ways.

In short, control, theft, slavery and/or murder on a large scale requires – at a minimum – a significant investment in invisible database and information systems.

To get a sense of the power and importance of good database management in implementing genocide, I strongly recommend Edwin Black’s IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation

~ View Parts I through VI of this article here.

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