The Chattanooga Declaration was drafted and approved by delegates to the Second North American Secessionist Convention on 4 October 2007.

    1. The deepest questions of human liberty and government facing our time go beyond right and left, and in fact have made the old right-left split meaningless and dead.
    2. The privileges, monopolies, and powers that private corporations have won from government threaten everyone’s health, prosperity, and liberty, and have already killed American self-government by the people.
    3. The power of corporations endangers liberty as much as government power, especially when they are combined as in the American Empire.
    4. Liberty can only survive if political power is returned from faraway and self-interested centers to local communities and States.
    5. The American Empire is no longer a nation or a republic, but has become a tyrant aggressive abroad and despotic at home.
    6. The States of the American union are and of right ought to be, free and self-governing.
    7. Without secession, liberty and self-government can never be sustained, and diversity among human societies can never survive.
  1. We, the delegates of the Secession movements represented at the Second North American Secessionist Convention, acknowledging our differences, yet agree on the following truths:

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