The Best of the Solari Report 2024
The Weekly Interviews
“I can’t help thinking that if all the time and money and effort that is going into this nonsense [plunder and omniwar] were put to another use, what a wonderful world this could be.”
– Solari Subscriber
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, we continue to celebrate the Best of the Solari Report 2024 by calling attention to four of our favorite Weekly Interviews this year. Our selections feature some of our most popular recurrent guests—Professor Richard A. Werner, Whitney Webb, and Joseph Farrell—as well Whitney’s colleague Mark Goodwin and journalist/consumer advocate Bob Sullivan (returning to the Solari Report for the first time since 2010). Our topics focused on two fast-growing sources of risk (Bitcoin/private crypto and cybercrime), the opportunity to counter the plunder momentum with a bottom-up Building Wealth Reset, and some “high-octane speculation” about the moon.
It is important for us to remember that abundance is possible, and as I noted in my commentary for “The Case for Building Wealth,” no one does this better than Prof. Richard A. Werner. To reject the model envisioned for us by the central bankers, it is essential to support and strengthen the local banks and credit unions that are the lifeblood of thriving local and state economies. If you want to hear why I love my bank, which fully intends to be around 100 years from now, listen to the recent Solari interview on leadership and excellence in an omniwar world.
Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin are two of the most intelligent and articulate voices in the New Media. Their prodigious output in the recent Unlimited Hangout series titled “The Chain” provides vital insights on the “highly-surveillable digital financial system fast approaching.” In our August discussion on the Solari Report, the two journalists’ clarity and mastery of the facts helped make some of the Bitcoin- and stablecoin-related shenanigans more understandable.
This year on the Solari Report, we devoted considerable attention to the rise of fraudulent business practices. Bob Sullivan has been valiantly warning consumers about various scams for many years and has his finger on the pulse of the latest “booby traps,” including dangerously sophisticated cybercrime. This is important intelligence for risk management.
Finally, many subscribers reported enjoying my conversation with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell about the moon. However, this discussion was not “just for fun.” Joseph and I have long believed that it is important to consider the possibility that our planet’s economy may be an open economy—and solving the mystery of the moon is part of that puzzle.
We hope these interviews remind you that there are many actions each of us can take to create a pathway forward.