Technologies for Mind Control with Dr. Nick Begich – The Solari Report

Solari Report

Technologies for Mind Control

With Dr. Nick Begich

“You cannot defeat a threat that you choose not to define.”

~ Michelle Stiles

Weekly Solari Report

Technologies for Mind Control

By Elze van Hamelen


Few people realize how advanced and widespread technologies for mind control are. Yet if we want to realize freedom, we need to become aware of the many faces of mind control. Learning about these technologies is the first step to defend against them.

Dr. Nick Begich was one of the earliest to warn of the dangers and proliferation of mind control capabilities and research. In addition to writing multiple books about the impacts of technology on society—including his well-known 1995 book (with Jeane Manning) about HAARP (titled Angels Don’t Play This HAARP)—in 2006 he wrote the groundbreaking book Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance.

Controlling the Human Mind discusses the history of mind control but also details how mind control technologies work and can be delivered. The technologies, entirely unregulated, are used by governments and private parties alike—whether to sell soap, financial products, or political agendas. Already in the 1980s, it was possible to affect emotional states with microwave technologies, light, or sound; read or transplant thoughts; create artificial sensations; and override or disrupt the body’s functioning (for example, of the organs).

Instead of becoming outdated, the current “Omniwar” age of cognitive and neurowarfare has only made Controlling the Human Mind more relevant. After a long hiatus from public view, Begich made time for an interview with me to discuss the book as well as how the technologies have become even more potent by compounding mind control with big data, mass surveillance, and AI computing power.

But there is also another side of the coin: Research into mind control has revealed much about the nature of consciousness and real human potential—what humans are actually capable of in higher brain states—and this is what Mr. Global may fear the most. Begich explains that the capabilities engineered in mind control experiments, such as synthetic telepathy, out-of-body experiences, and higher mind functioning, are capabilities that we all naturally possess:

The very technologies that we are talking about that reveal the understanding of human physiology, human awareness, and human consciousness are the technologies that can liberate us, that can free us to be the human beings that we were created to be—or the opposite.”

It should come as no surprise that the single most effective way to block higher brain functioning is to put people in a state of fear and anxiety; those emotions create an incoherence that makes manipulation and suggestion easier.

Begich summarizes, “When you start to think of what a human being is, either it is suppressed or it has a chance to advance. That’s what the world is on the threshold of—and there are a lot of people fearful of that.”

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