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By Gaia
A financial coup is currently underway in Washington as the media entrainment machine churns, leaving many people feeling hopeless amid threats of another impending major financial cris…
China 2012: The Year of the Bull (Rogers) or the Bear (Chanos)?
Wall Street Pit (9 Jan 12)
Half The World’s Richest 1% Live in the United States
Yahoo Finance (4 Jan 11)
On Eve of $41 Billion MF Glo…
By Adam Cohen
Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn’t violate your Fo…
Yes, The Khan Academy is the Future of Education (video)
Singularity Hub | 13 February 2013
I’m just going to come out and say it: the Khan Academy is…
Crowdfunding Star Wars – Kickstart Campai…
By Heather Box
Kyle Thiermann, a 20-year-old professional surfer from Santa Cruz California, stood in a clothing factory in Sri Lanka amongst the commotion of the sewing machines, fabric cutters an…
By Miguel Bustillo
Apparel supervisor Sonia Barrett uses a handheld scanner to read EPC labels on men’s denim jeans on July 19, while checking inventory at the Walmart Supercenter Store No. 1 in Ro…