Former Bush I Official Proffers Insight on White House Stonewalling

President George W. Bush’s recent campaign advertising indicates that he is proud of his record on 9-11. If this is the case, Mr. Bush and key members of his administration have nothing to hide regarding the events of 9-11, including their reasons for ignoring repeated warnings by heads of state and intelligence agencies worldwide. Global citizens who support the United States through prayers, deposits in US headquartered banks, purchase of US corporation products, stocks and bonds, and use of US currency, appreciate that the value and liquidity all of these transactions of our time and money depend first and foremost on the rule of law — in short, the value of the US government’s word.

If Mr. Bush and key members of his administration are not prepared to provide open transparency about the events of 9-11 and their handling of it, then Mr. Bush’s public relations conveys a false pride — one that may have a devastating impact on the federal credit that is a linchpin behind American government, military and banking.

The Administration’s testimony on 9-11 should be open to the public, it should address the unanswered questions put forward by responsible citizens groups and the 9-11 families and it should last as long as is required to ensure these questions are answered satisfactorily to all concerned.

If the Administration’s testimony is not open and complete, we may come to learn through 9-11 that the emptiness of our word and the war profiteering afforded by secret budgeting, bookeeping and policymaking —while useful to raising the largest campaign war chest in the history of our planet — are greater threats to our national security than terrorism.

Catherine Austin Fitts
Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner, Bush I
Former Managing Director & Board Member, Dillon Read & Co. Inc.

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