“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
~ Sir John Harrington
Continue reading Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
~ Sir John Harrington
Continue reading Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface
Television, Football and Politics: Gaming Spectacles Designed to Keep the Police State in Power
Rutherford Institute| 01 February 2016
Big Brother does not watch us, by his…We watch him, by…
WHO ‘Assumes’ Ukraine Gripped By Swine Flu
Associated Press (3 Nov 09)
What’s So Scary About Michael Pollan? Why Corporate Agriculture Tried to Censor His University Speech
Truthout (28 Oct 09)
For years I have been looking for the story of Jung’s patient who had poisoned her best friend. Thanks to the wonderful Paul Levy at www.awakeninthedream.com and his rich expertise in all things Jung,…
By Mayuri Onerheim
The Rolling Stone March 2009 issue had an article by Matt Taibbi called Wall Street’s Bailout Hustle in which he likens the financial crisis bailout to a street con and makes a v…
By Foster Gamble
Charles Eisenstein, the author of Sacred Economics, has written an article,”Synchronicity, Myth and the New World Order”, and a critique of THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? , …
By Humble Student of the Markets
I wrote before that the likely negative surprise was going to come from China and not Europe (see Focus on China, not Europe). Yes, I am worried about China, but my c…