July 7, 1958: The 1,700-foot Tall Tsunami that Struck Alaska -The Largest in Recorded History
The Daily Galaxy (11 March 11)

Scientists Project Path of Radiation Plume
The New York Times (16 March 11)

Forecast for Plume’s Path Is a Function of Wind and Weather
The New York Times (16 March 11)

Japan Quake Shifts the Earth’s Crust and Axis
Green Answers (14 March 11)

Underground Information on What’s Happening at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan – A Dirty Bomb Waiting to go Off
Natural News (16 March 11)

Experts Had Long Criticized Potential Weakness in Design of Stricken Reactor
The New York Times (15 March 11)

PepsiCo Unveils 100 Percent Plant-based Bottle
Yahoo Finance (15 March 11)

Earth’s Day Length Shortened by Japan Earthquake
CBS News (13 March 11)

Giffords to Attend Shuttle Launch
The Wall Street Journal (10 March 11)

Lost city of Atlantis, Swamped by Tsunami, May be Found
Yahoo News (12 March 11)

What If it Happened in LA?

Los Angeles County Tsunami Inundation Maps 

Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Maps

You Can’t Predict…But You Can Prepare

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