Susan Crawford: “Captive Audience”

The Diane Rehm Show | 10 January 2013
The U.S. has long been a world leader in technology innovation.

Proving The Value Of Crowdfunding, Soldsie Raises $425K And Hires One Of 72 Investors Via FundersClub

Tech Crunch | 09 January 2013
Online venture capital firm FundersClub is pioneering equity crowdfunding…

Hacked Phones Could Be Listening To Everything You Say

Activists Post | 09 January 2013
Most people believe their phone conversations are private.

A Fracking Good Story

Slate | 15 September 2012
Carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. are at their lowest level in 20 years.

SKA Science Animation

The Square Kilometre Array
Exploring the Universe with the world’s largest radio telescope (Video)

US Nuclear Lab Removes Chinese Tech

Slashdot | 07 January 2013
Reuters reports that Los Almos National Laboratory has removed switches produced…

Google to Offer Free Wi-Fi in Chelsea

Bloomberg | 08 January 2013
Google, the world’s biggest Internet-search company, plans to offer free wireless…

Story: Tea-time Britain

BBC: Britain From Above | January 2013
Power surges called the TV pickup are unique to Britain.

Does Access to Information Technology Make People Happier?

Brookings | December 2012
Access to information and communication technology through cell phones, the internet…

The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition

The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition is six years in the planning.

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