[Note from Solari team member: Major ruckus in Maker-land. Makerbot Industries got new VC funding and created a new printer. It may or may not be “open”. Those that contributed design updates to printers are coming to terms with what this could mean. Many are upset and “being ripped-off”. This reminds me of before GNU GPL and copyleft. Time to put CERN Open Hardware Licence on all projects before uploading to any site that may lay claim to your design.member.]

By Josef Prusa

So today is the day. I’ve wanted to write about this for a long time now. Some of you may know, some may not, but I started my own RepRap company. It’s called Prusa Research, maybe it is the first open hardware based company in the Czech Republic, but certainly not the first worldwide. There are many companies/projects doing that very well, for example, Arduino (I’m so grateful that thanks to RepRap I can now call Massimo my friend. I started doing hardware because of Arduino), Adafruit, Sparkfun, etc.

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