By Franklin Sanders

~ Franklin Sanders has graciously agreed to allow us to post his article which originally appeared in the October 14, 2009 issue of The Moneychanger newsletter.

After I spoke in Columbia, South Carolina last month, one group working to revive their local economy asked me to put my explanation where my mouth was. They want to start using 90% silver coin as local money, but how do they start? I was forced to explain how we can reverse Gresham’s law.

Reviving local economies need a money that won’t be continually drained off, a money so superior to paper dollars that it will stay in local circulation. Because it is legal, convenient, divisible, and easily recognizable, US 90% silver coin is the perfect choice for local commerce. The bene?ts of using US 90% silver coin over the US dollar are many.

Continue reading Reviving Local Economies: Set Up Your Own Silver Exchange . . .

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