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The Doctor’s Balls By Diana Gabaldon, Ph.D., D.H.L.
Facebook | 27 July 2016
Yesterday at 4:29…Dr. Who…
A Prized Stettheimer Painting: Sold Under the Radar by a University Museum
NY Times | 26 J…
Vaccine Industry Goes “Nuclear” in Push for New Law that Would Deny you YOUR JOB if you Aren’t Vaccinated
Natural News | 30 April 2017
Hidden Agenda….
Chickpea Flour: How to Prepare and En…
(Click image to view larger)
Former NBC Boss Asserts His Grandson Damaged by Vaccines
Jon Rappoport | 20 April 2016
Right after…
Life Expectancy for White Americans Declines
WSJ | 20 April 2016
Nations, where…
Bombshell: To…
Despite U.S. opposition, a pipeline from Iran to Pakistan is inevitable. Pakistan needs natural gas to fuel its power plants and has no good options. The Obama administration is threatening to put in …
By Christian Reiermann
The debt crisis in Greece has taken on a dramatic new twist. Sources with information about the government’s actions have informed SPIEGEL ONLINE that Athens is considering w…