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The electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phone towers and cellphones can pose a threat to honey bees, a study published in India has concluded.
An experiment conducted in the southern state of…
Tip #1:
Buy Organic Certified organic products cannot be produced using GMO ingredients. So if you can, buy only products labeled “100% organic”, “organic,” or “made with organic ingredients.”
Continue reading Banks Are Lending Money Like Crazy To Single Borrower
By Associated Press
Sallie Mae spent $530,000 lobbying the federal government in the second quarter on issues including the implementation of last year’s overhaul of financial regulations.
The amo…
To the Governors of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, their legislators and Attorneys General:
Please do not wait for BP and the federal government to protect your coast waters and …
By Chuck Gibson
Just in time for “Bank Transfer Day“, my mortgage refinance completed Friday and I ran (not walked) as fast as I could away from the old one. While I am not tethered to any larg…