“The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.”
- –John Burroughs,
American naturalist and essayist
“The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.”
Obama Picks Leon Panetta to Head CIA
Yahoo News (05 Jan 2009)
Leon Panetta on Wikipedia
Central Intelligence Agency on Wikipedia
By David Gumpert
Now that a Wisconsin judge has rejected raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger’s religious freedom arguments to justify having a witness testify on his behalf, his trial looks likely t…
Doctors Call For Homeopathy Ban
Telegraph.co.uk (27 June 10)
Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer
PrisonPlanet (29 June 10)
Monsanto Is Warned About Seed Claims
The Wall S…
For Exchange Bank, Wrong Time, Wrong Place
Press Democrat (23 Nov 2008)
Facebook wins $873M judgment against spammer
Yahoo Business (24 Nov 2008)
“Anger is a Gift,” Saith the Mad Monk, Quoting Arist…
By Secrecy News
From the Federation of Scientists Project on Government Secrecy
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have produced updated doctrine on intelligence support to military operations. The new do…
Penn Square Bank
Wikipedia | 19 December 2014
The bank made its name in high-risk energy…
Former Newspaper Boss Tells Police of VIP Paedophile Cover-up Claim
The Guardian | 20 December 2014