“Cashless is a key component—if not the lynchpin—of the surveillance state. It is appalling that these pristine lands are the nation’s testing ground.” ~ Ray Flores
Ray Flores II, Esq., a seasoned attorney specializing in health freedom rights, is taking action to protect American citizens’ right to pay in cash. In collaboration with Children’s Health Defense, they have filed a lawsuit against several American national parks for implementing a cashless entrance-fee payment system. The plaintiffs argue in their complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, that the federal agency’s refusal to accept U.S. currency as payment violates U.S. law.
An excerpt from the “Complaint for Declaratory Relief”:
“Having implemented and expanded a cashless entrance-fee payment scheme (“NPS Cashless”), Defendant, National Park Service (“NPS”) no longer accepts American money at approximately twenty-nine national parks, national historic sites, national monuments, and national historic parks around the country. U.S. Currency is legal tender for all public charges pursuant to 31 U.S. Code § 5103. Thus, NPS’ refusal to accept U.S. Currency tendered for entrance fees constitutes a clear violation of federal law.”
Catherine agrees that this is a very important lawsuit: “Removing cash from circulation is an essential step to implementing a complete surveillance state that can shut off our money at will—as we saw happen to the Canadian Truckers—or take our assets and grab our land. The central bankers have made clear that they wish to convert to digital ‘money’ that can be programmed as to when, where, and how you can use it.”
As Attorney Flores states:
First, they will watch where you go.
Then they will tell you where you can’t go.
Then they will tell you where you must go.
We appreciate the dedication of Attorney Flores and the three plaintiffs for resisting the push toward a cashless future and a society in which financial control is used to limit freedom to travel and health freedom.
These National Parks No Longer Accept Cash
Complaint for Declaratory Relief
Woman Sues National Park Service After Being Told She Can’t Use Cash to Pay Entry Fee
Solari Financial Transaction Freedom and CBDC Video Shorts