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The Solari Report – 08 April 2010

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There are times when I live in a state of constant amazement. This week is such a time.

After having answered the question hundreds of times, “Can the government confiscate my gold?” I find myself perplexed by the eagerness of precious metals owners to provide the U.S. government and the largest defense contractors with precise, geographical information to ensure they can quickly locate you, your family and the assets you keep at home.

To remind, the U.S. government is the organization that reserves the right to seize all your assets, according to the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Our concern about the integrity of you and your assets was the reason we prepared a special report on the 2010 Census and posted information rates about compliance in 2000, and today’s blog post A Solari Report—Census Fines. It’s why I raise the risks of your private health care data being accessible to governments and large companies. It’s why I wrote an article called The Data Beast about what I learned as a senior government official about the role of data in centralizing wealth and political controls. It’s why I get nervous when India announces a biometric census and the U.S. military announces a biometric agency. It’s why proposals for a National ID card are not welcome.

Government digital data on citizens and our assets is compounding faster than the interest on the national debt. Indeed, there is an close connection. If you need the first to track assets which provide collateral for or pay the second, you need to know where such assets are and have the ability to assert control and do so quickly.

We have received questions from subscribers as various news services reported fines of up to $5,000 for failure to comply with the 2010 Census when a much lower fine of $100 was specifically authorized by Congress. Given the facts, I would describe these reports as regulatory terrorism. They appear to have started after polls reported that most American’s considered it legal to not comply.  Hence, we have now prepared a second Solari report specifically on federal fine authority as it relates to the census. Here it is.

On this Thursday’s Precious Metals Report, I am going to explain why Solari has launched our precious metals dealership Solari Silver & Gold in partnership with Franklin Sander’s The Moneychanger. Please check out the FAQ’s and other information on our website. We think you will find it useful. We will touch on why having personal control of your assets grows more attractive as back door capital controls appear, like the new provisions in the HIRE Act.

Franklin and I will update you on the latest market developments and walk you through our new Silver and Gold Calculator and how you can use it. This is a wonderful tool – please try it for a test run! If you are interested in starting a community currency, here is a way to do so with the “just do it” method.

Then we are going to talk about why you need to worry less about your gold being confiscated and focus on protecting your mind, your body, your kids and all your assets.

As promised, we will also be introducing Date #1 in The Ten Most Important Dates in the History of Silver & Gold that we are developing.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, a review of an online movie you don’t want to miss – the BBC’s The Last Days of Lehman Brothers.

View the video at zShare

Whew! This one will be chock full of great information. If there are questions you want me to address in Ask Catherine or to ask Franklin, please post them at the your subscriber cart.

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This week’s Money & Markets Charts will be posted here on Thursday.

“See” you Thursday night!

~ Catherine

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