Meet Andrew Cuomo:

Unanswered Questions

  • At which point, Freddie and Fannie’s stock takes a dive:

FNM = Fannie Mae, FRE = Freddie Mac. DJ= Dow Jones, GS= Goldman Sachs, CEF = Central Fund of Canada (precious metals)

Comparison Chart

  • Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs and Lehman insist that they are untouched by mortgage market losses. (Goldman Sachs Rakes in Profit in Credit Crisis / By Jenny Anderson – New York Times – 19 Nov 2007)
  • Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs (presumably through their asset management division) is listed as one of Freddie Mac’s largest shareholders

  • Here is the Goldman Sachs donation(s) listed for Cuomo’s 2006 race for Attorney General at Follow the Money.

Are we surprised that Goldman is doing well on a crashing dollar, a manipulated gold market and a busting housing bubble?

Well, look how well they did on 9-11:

Goldman Sachs 2001 stock chart

Goldman 2001 Stock Charge

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