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“We invest in things that are addictive…..Addictive things are very profitable.” ~ Apple shareholder Ross Gerber, chief executive of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management […]
“Everybody’s got a hunger, a hunger they can’t resist;
There’s so much that you want, you deserve much more than this.”
Bruce Springsteen “Prove It All Night”
By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scou…
“In space, the United States is going to do Colonel Glen proud. We are finally going to lead again. You see what’s happening? You see the rockets going up left and right. You haven…
Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information.
Sofia covers a range of subjects. You …
I. Home Table of Contents Introduction Best Books for 2018 Donations Closing & Credits The Rise of the Asian Consumer (PDF) II. The Rise of the Asian Consumer The Rise of the Asian Consumer The […]
Sweat and toil of the master who never wanted you to see it
By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout
Michelangelo Buonarotti. Head of a Child with a Cloak around the Head. Mid-1520’s. Collection and…