Movie of the Week: March 3, 2025: Introducing Homeopathy – The Solari Report

Movie of the Week

Introducing Homeopathy

March 1, 2025

“I have no other desire than to be able to show the world…those good principles for the relieving of man’s suffering.”

~ Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Movie of the Week

Introducing Homeopathy

An interesting paradox is laid bare in the new documentary, Introducing Homeopathy. As the film explains, homeopathy is used by an estimated 10% of the world’s population (stated another way, it is the second most common form of medicine worldwide); it has a two-century-plus clinical track record, stands on a large and still-growing body of rigorous research, and is able to help people with conditions for which Western allopathic medicine has no answers—and yet most of the people who could benefit from it (especially Americans) either have never heard of it or dismiss it as “quack medicine.” Clearly, it is the filmmakers’ hope that some of those people will watch this film and change their mind.

To make the point right out of the gate that homeopathy is anything but “woo-woo,” the film begins with the testimonials of conventional medical doctors who turned to homeopathy to heal their own serious health problems (and then became homeopaths) after “their own system of medicine” failed them. Augmenting homeopathy’s credibility through the ages, viewers also learn that historical figures ranging from Beethoven to President Lincoln to Gandhi to Queen Elizabeth were enthusiasts.

Interspersed with further details about homeopathy’s history (with beautiful animation depicting the scientific/medical journey of homeopathy’s thoughtful founder, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann) and homeopathy’s successes with animals and plants as well as humans, viewers are treated to four stories of remarkable healing—for autism, fertility-jeopardizing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), drug addiction, and health problems resulting from wartime exposure to Agent Orange. Complementing those storylines are eloquent statements by homeopaths in countries ranging from America to the UK, Romania, and Cuba, who celebrate homeopathy as the best kind of “individualized medicine.” As these practitioners repeatedly emphasize, homeopathy focuses on the whole person, helping children and adults not only heal physically but “blossom” as human beings.

Though the film does not dwell on iatrogenic (doctor- or pharma-caused) harms, those are readily apparent in some of the stories told. It is too bad that Introducing Homeopathy does not discuss vaccine injury, considering that homeopathy has an extensive track record in helping vaccine victims.

Overall, however, this film makes a reasoned and often moving case for considering homeopathy as everything from a first line of defense to a last resort. Its director, Julian Shereda-McKenna “comes from a legacy family practicing acupuncture and natural medicine,” and producers/homeopaths Kim Elia and Carol Boyce bring additional passion to this obvious labor of love. As they note at the film’s closing, “Our wish is that this film bring hope to the many who are looking for solutions.”

Sign up at CHD.TV to view the film when it premiers again later this spring.



Introducing Homeopathy

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