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Golden State is Poised to Outlaw Gold Prospecting
GATA (5 June 11)
(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Michael Probst)
By Joaquim Moreira Salles
Prospective students in the United States who can’t afford to pay for college or don’t want to rack up tens of thousands in stu…
British Courtroom
By Tyler Durden
While momentum chasers in America quarrel over worthless data points and whether some trading desk bought an additional 20 PCs with Intel’s brand spanking new i7 C…
A Single Seller Drove Gold Down as Bernanke Testified
GATA (1 March 12)
Return to Gold Standard Would be Damaging, Study Group Says
GATA (28 Feb 12)
LATimes Notes That ‘The Gold Market is Moving Eas…
Things We Hadn’t Started Worrying About: Death by Selfie
Undernews | 03 January 2017
The spot…
The Complete History of Monsanto: “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
Natural Blaze | 31 Decembe…
Since 2009 all cash buyers have purchased roughly one third of all Southern California home sales. This is a significant number and unlike the early 2000s, many of these buyers are looking to hold o…