Consumer Credit Plunges
Zero Hedge (07 May 09)

California Cash Flow Crisis Update
Zero Hedge (07 May 09)

Treasuries Tumble as Bond Sale Draws Higher-Than-Forecast Yield (07 May 09)

China Fears Bond Crisis as it Slams Quantitative Easing (07 May 09)

Senate Moves to Loan FDIC $500 Billion
Fox (05 May 09)

Banks That Received Federal Cash Enabled Subprime Lenders, Report Finds
Truthout (07 May 09)

US Sets Rules to Leave Bailout Program
Yahoo News (06 May 09)

Ron Paul Bill to Audit the Fed Up to 124 Co-Sponsors
World Net Daily (05 May 09)

City in Danger of Falling Victim to EU Wiles And Becoming Another Antwerp (04 May 09)

Inflation: AIG Bonuses Nearly Four Times Larger Than Thought
abc News (05 May 09)

China Says Global Easing Policies Risk Devaluation (Update2) (06 May 09)

Recession Breeding Bank Robbers (05 May 09)

Krugman: Wages Are Falling All Across America (05 May 09)

Fiat+Chrysler+GM=Fiat/Opel by end of May
EX-SKF (03 May 09)

Congress Approves Obama’s $3.4 Trillion Spending Blueprint
The Washington Post (30 April 09)

Talks Tip Chrysler Toward Bankruptcy
The Washington Press (30 April 09)

Obama’s 100 Days — The Mad Men Did Well
Z Space (29 April 09)

The Second Scramble for Africa Starts
Common (20 April 09)’s Bailout Tracker

U.S. Gas Fields Go From Bust to Boom
The Wall Street Journal (30 April 09)

More Banks Will Need Capital
The Wall Street Journal (05 May 09 )

401(k)s Hit by Withdrawal Freezes
The Wall Street Journal (05 May 09)

N.Z. Economy Probably Shrank 1%, Treasury Says (Update1) (04 May 09)

Taxpayers Lose $328 Million in Build America Profits (Update3) (04 May 09)

Market Dispersion Has Collapsed – “Systemic Correlation Is At October 1987 Levels”
Zero Hedge (04 May 09)

Analyzing Obama’s War Budget Numbers
Truthout (04 May 09)

Sharpest U.S. Recession Since 1938: -1.9 Percent of GDP (15 Oct 08)

Why the Rich Get Richer
Yahoo Finance (07 April 09)

Growth Will Slow as Regulation Increases, Gross Says (4 May 09)

Insight: Kazakh Bank Falls Foul of CDS (30 Apr 09)

China Has ‘Canceled U.S. Credit Card’: Lawmaker
Google News (30 Apr 09)

Political Punch – White House Denies Charge By Attorney that Administration Threatened to Destroy Investment Firm’s Reputation
ABC News (2 May 09)

The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy
Truthout (1 May 09)

Credit Card Companies Snatch Social Security Payments (28 Apr 09)

ATA Truck Tonnage Index Plunged 4.5 Percent in March (27 Apr 09)

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