Superstorm Sandy Will Raise Used-Car Prices Nationwide

Los Angeles Times | 9 November 2012
The estimated 250,000 cars flooded by Superstorm Sandy on the East Coast will drive up used-car prices, even as far away as California.

Fed Stands on the Edge of ‘Monetary Cliff’

The Wall Street Journal | 22 November 2012
Must be logged in to read this article.

PCAOB Backs Up Agenda for Cost-Benefit Studies

Compliance Week | 19 November 2012
Things are slowing down at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and not just because of the impending holiday season.

U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII, Before Fiscal Cliff | 20 November 2012
Believe it or not, the federal deficit has fallen faster over the past three years than it has in any such stretch since demobilization from World War II.

Your Practice: Gift Tax Options for Procrastinators

Reuters | 20 November 2012
Tax bills on big gifts are set to increase substantially at year’s end, and that means the timing couldn’t be better to pass on a gift. The challenge now? Time.

American Manufacturing is Coming Back. Manufacturing Jobs Aren’t.

The Washington Post | 19 November 2012
The discussion of American manufacturing is often a muddled one, steeped in nostalgia for a bygone era and accompanied by a certain misty-eyed conviction that it is a sector in ceaseless decline.

Emergence of Social Stock Exchanges and Other Market Drivers of Sustainability

AICPA Insights | 19 November 2012
Traditionally, investing and “doing good” have been considered two very different activities.

Goldman Hold Oakland to Soured Swaps

Financial Times | 19 November 2012

Financial Perspectives: Nov 19th

Financial Perspectives | 19 November 2012
The Employee Benefit Research Institute recently reported their findings regarding healthcare expenses in retirement, and their results paint a possibly direr picture than that of the annual Fidelity healthcare expense study.

Billions in Bearer Bonds Could be Lost Due to Hurricane Sandy: Sources

The New York Post | 18 November 2012
Hurricane Sandy floodwaters inundated a 10,000-square-foot underground vault downtown, soaking 1.3 million bond and stock certificates — including bearer bonds that function like cash — and putting them in danger of turning to mush.

Rothschild’s, And The Geoengineering Empire

Geoengineering Watch | 13 November 2012
Why would the Rothschild’s be so interested in owning the largest and most recognized weather modeling organization out there?

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