OECD Unveils Proposals to Curb Corporate Tax Avoidance
Reuters | 16 September 2014
New international tax rules proposed on Tuesday could eliminate structures that have allowed companies such as Google Inc…

Occupy Abolishes $4 Million in Other People’s Student Loan Debt
CNN | 17 September 2014
After forgiving millions of dollars in medical debt, Occupy Wall Street is tackling a new beast: student loans…

Brazilians, the Real Spenders
The Wall Street Journal | 21 December 2011
Ana Ligia Paladino traveled 5,000 miles from her home in southernmost Brazil last month to jostle for Black Friday bargains at Macy’s in New York City…

Citi Warns Moody’s May Put France On Downgrade Review This Friday
Zero Hedge | 16 September 2014
One of the more impressive moves in recent months among the universe of European bonds…

Almost Half of China’s Rich Want to Emigrate
Bloomberg Businessweek | 15 September 2014
Even as the number of Chinese millionaires grows, the number of those aiming to leave China is getting ever larger…

Britain to Include China’s RMB as Foreign Currency Reserve
Xinhuanet | 13 September 2014
British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced Friday that the British government intend to issue a Renminbi denominated bond…

Chinese Gripe at Being Left Out of Alibaba’s IPO
Bloomberg | 15 September 2014
Zhou Nushi, a retired factory worker in Shanghai, would like to buy shares…

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