Green Light for City-owned San Francisco Bank
The Huffington Post | 31 July 2013
When the Occupiers took an interest in moving San Francisco’s money into a city-owned bank in 2011…

Nashville ETF Debuts Thursday (NASH)
Fox Business | 31 July 2013
Exchange traded funds sponsor LocalShares will introduce the first city-specific ETF…

Fed Tapering Assured As Treasury Projects 30% Slide In Annual Funding (And Monetization) Needs
Zero Hedge | 29 July 2013
If there was any doubt that the Fed would proceed with tapering…

Confidence Runs High
American Institute for Economic Research | 19 July 2013
Although the economic expansion has slowed, both consumers and producers remain optimistic…

How Germany Builds Twice as Many Cars as the U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice as Much
Forbes | 21 December 2011
In 2010, Germany produced more than 5.5 million automobiles…

Whitney: High Interest Rates Will “Trigger a Real Downsizing” for Cities
Yahoo! Finance | 29 July 2013
Meredith Whitney famously predicted in December 2010 that “hundreds of billions of dollars”…

Cyprus, Lenders Set Bank of Cyprus Bail-In at 47.5 Percent, Sources Say
Yahoo! News | 28 July 2013
Cyprus and its international lenders have agreed to convert 47.5 percent of deposits…

JPMorgan Quits Physical Commodities Business
CNBC | 26 July 2013
JPMorgan is exiting physical commodities trading…

Engineers Get Rich as Talent War Heats Up
Yahoo! Finance | 25 July 2013
If you’re looking to recruit an engineer right now, be prepared for a dog-eat-dog world…

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