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Solari Report Interview’s video 2 – Dialogue with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell on FASAB 56 & Government without Accounting
Financial Rebbelion – Financial Rebellion Episode 22 – A Brief History of the Financial Coup D’etat Part 2
The following table shows the primary dealers of U.S. government securities. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Primary dealers are trading counterparties of the New York Fed in its implementation of monetary policy. They are also expected to make markets for the New York Fed on behalf of its official accountholders as…
By Corey Lynn What if you had the ability to construct the central operation center for the entire control grid from a location with no real jurisdiction and no accessibility or oversight? What if the massive power source you need to run this operation could be harnessed under the guise of “climate change” in an…
Solari Report Interview’s video 5 – The Financial Coup: More Missing Money & FASAB Standard 56 with Dr. Mark Skidmore
Depending upon what news sources you read, you may have the impression that the vast majority of the official U.S. government debt is held by China and certain other large foreign governments. While it is true that China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. government-issued debt securities, a closer look at the facts presents…