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Featured Video’s 1 Shorts – McKinney Grills Rumsfeld over 9/11 missing trillions
Addendum to Missing Money—June 2021: An Additional $94 Trillion in DOD Accounting Adjustments Reported in Bloomberg. By Mark Skidmore On January 22, 2020, Bloomberg posted an article written by Anthony Capaccio, “Pentagon Racks Up $35 Trillion in Accounting Changes in One Year” ( In the article, the author reports that the Department of Defense recorded…
“Without ever using the word ‘money,’ a practice common among inspectors general (IGs), the deputy IG at the Pentagon read an eight-page summary of DOD fiduciary failures.” ~ Kelly O’Meara, 2001 Kelly Patricia O’Meara was the original reporter to break the Missing Money story! Did you ever see the 9/11 testimony when Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney…
Financial Rebellion Episode 33- Does BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion ($65,000 per Person)
Shorts – 9/10/2001 Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon
Featured Video’s 1 – Lee Camp – New proof about $21 trillion missing