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The Corbett Report : 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
The Iron Bank: Is The Bank of International Settlements Sovereign Immunity the Secret Sauce Behind the Global Coup? Part 2 with Patrick Wood
Shorts – Missing Money – How Would We Write the Movie? With Rob Kirby (short)
DATEEVENTCATEGORY19340131Gold Reserve Act creates the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). “The fund began operations as of April 27, 1934, financed by $2 billion of the $2.8 billion paper profit th…
“Without ever using the word ‘money,’ a practice common among inspectors general (IGs), the deputy IG at the Pentagon read an eight-page summary of DOD fiduciary failures.” ~ Kelly O’Meara, 2001 Kelly Patricia O’Meara was the original reporter to break the Missing Money story! Did you ever see the 9/11 testimony when Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney…
Table of Contents I. IntroductionII. History of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)III. FASAB and Standard 56A. What Does Standard 56 Do?B. Reporting Entities Within the Scope of Standard 56C. Changes to Disclosure Standards Under Standard 56D. Modifications to Avoid Disclosure of Classified InformationE. Reporting on Consolidation EntitiesF. Interpretations Modifying Reporting Standards in…