Solari & The Money Changer
Silver and Gold Payment Calculator App
Price: Free
Solution: iPhone Apps That Give Us New Ideas

The creator of the Solari Silver and Gold Payment Calculator app is financial wiz and host of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts

[CAF Note: Oops Franklin Sanders was the creator and the Solari team did the work after Franklin provided the concept,  formulas and the list of coins. This is an example of an investor getting the credit. 🙂 ]

Catherine’s sophisticated and soul searching approach to finding solutions for an new model of an economy that can serve us all is refreshing. Her new Solari calculator app is a wonderful introduction to an exciting world of ideas and possibilities that are right there waiting–in your iPhone.

Getting Started

“It started out so simply,” she says during a phone interview in Silicon Valley where she is the guest speaker at yet another finance-oriented seminar.

Catherine eventually consulted her friend, precious metals dealer Franklin Sanders of the Money Changer, and together they decided that a great way to bring some of that wealth back to Main Street would be if people would get in the habit of using precious metals in everyday scenarios.

Solari Silver & Gold Payment Calculator

The App

Eventually, they created the payment calculator app that can, in seconds, let you compare the prices of precious metals coins like the American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf and others using instant quotes from . It also gives you an option to figure out an exchange rate with a dealer premium or without. Another aspect of the app is the ability to determine based on the face value of your gold or silver coins what the value is in today’s dollars. How many gold dollars does it take to have the amount of your Bahamas vacation? Can your ten silver eagles pay for your mortgage payment? You’ll find out using the app in everyday situations.

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