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“Vaxxed III is more than a movie—it’s a call to action.”~Toby Tommey, Vaxxed III co-producer
Movies are a powerful way to communicate the individual and societal impacts of the Great Poiso…
VPRO International's interview of Shoshona Zubroff on surveillance capitalism.
In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalis…
In 2003, as politicians in Britain and the US angle to invade Iraq, GCHQ translator Katharine Gun leaks a classified e-mail that urges spying on members of the UN Security Council to force thr…
Movies often describe the role played by society and the media in framing our understanding of the world and our view of events and of each other. This week in Let’s Go to the Movies, I revi…
This brand-new movie tells the true story of how Aretha Franklin, played by Jennifer Hudson, found her voice. Also starring Forest Whitaker and Marlon Wayans.
More on this movie on Wikipedia an…
[CAF Note: Please note that Yellowstone involves numerous violent scenes.]
Solari Report Movie of the Year for 2019–the riveting TV series Yellowstone, created and written by Taylor …