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“Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm” is a feature documentary about the man Einstein called his “spiritual son” and the Dalai Lama his “science guru.” A brilliant physicist and e…
Our movie is the classic Gaslight Gaslighting is “a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them questi…
Part 3 is out! In We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, an excellent series of conversations between Berlin-based author and satirical political commentator CJ Hopkins and former U.S. Assistant Secr…
Another award-winning and utterly charming production from South Korean filmmakers, The King’s Affection takes us back into the fairy-tale times of Korea’s Great…
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell
The two-part documentary Project Whistleblower presents the compell…
“A mycelium has more networks than our brain has neuro-pathways.”
There is a network of consciousness and connection between all living things on Earth and it…