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Start Page – The World’s Most Private Search Engine
The Washington Post and The Guardian have revealed a US government mass Internet surveillance program code-named “PRISM”. They report that the NSA and the FBI have been tapping directly into the ser…
Recent Reads
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Is Your Safety Deposit Box a Crime Scene?
Money High Street
By Mark Nestmann
For many years, I’ve advocated keeping valuable items in private vaults, rather than safety deposit boxes. A raid June 2 on three private vaults in London has le…
America’s Police on Trial
[CAF Note: The Economist is dead wrong about gun control, but many of their other points are well taken. What is most interesting is that they are saying that the US police state has gone too far an…
"Weihnachtshistorie – 14 – Dank sagen wir! (Beschluß)" – Heinrich Schütz
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Heinrich Schütz on Wikipedia
The Ultimate in Tax and Debt Collection
The next generation of military drones, unveiled by a leading US manufacturer, will not just carry a limited supply of rockets – but will likely be fitted with an ultra-light laser, cap…