Another Facebook user bites the dust after being experimented with….
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Another Facebook user bites the dust after being experimented with….
Jane Fonda: Life’s Third Act
‘Shadow ECB’ Calls for Immediate and Drastic Rates Cuts
The Telegraph (28 Nov 2008)
Germany Gives Chilly Welcome to EU Calls for €200Bn Fiscal Boost
The Telegraph (27 Nov 2008)
China’s Banks to Pu…
By Leo Kelion
Researchers say they have found a way to detect and recognise human gestures based on how they affect wi-fi signals.
They suggest it could let users control home appliances with a wa…
ProSystem fx® Portal
CCH (Oct 2010)
Air Cars – Here, There. Everywhere
BrassCheck TV (Oct 2010))
Alex Jones Exposes Google’s Plan to Dominate the Internet
YouTube (19 Aug 10)
Lies, Dam…
Morgellons: Growth Inhibition Confirmed (15 March 10)
Fisherman Who Fell Ill During Oil Spill Clean-up Alleges BP Tried to Cover-up Evidence
AlterNet (1 June 10)
‘Dirty Dozen’ Produc…
Apple Did its First Ever Automatic Security Update on Macs Today
Slate | 23 December 2014
Apple added universal automatic updates…
Coming Data Deluge Means You’ll Know Anything You Want, Anytime,…