John Williams

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The Solari Report – 06 May 2010

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On this week’s Solari Report, I will be speaking with John Williams, founder of American Business Analytics & Research, LLC In San Francisco, the publisher of John is an economist who has built a remarkable business deciphering government economic statistics and helping a wide range of businesses and investors understand our economy. This is something that is far from simple to do.

Having wrestled with the manipulation of housing and mortgage market statistics in the Bush Administration in 1989-90 and the Clinton Administration’s destruction of the databanks that I built using federal economic data in 1996-99, I have little faith in official government statistics. That said, the value of good statistics on the economy is an essential tool of understanding our world and planning our investments of time and money. Then I discovered ShadowStats.

John has the training and experience to unpack the engineering of federal statistics into their Orwellian state and to generate statistics that are more reliable and make sense given what I, my clients and subscribers are experiencing in our businesses and day to day lives. We will be speaking with John about what his data shows is happening in the economy:

  • What is happening to the money supply?

View larger chart

  • Is unemployment rising or falling? Why does the official rate significantly understate real unemployment?

View larger chart (scroll down page)

  • What about consumer prices? How much are prices rising and how much more could they rise?

View larger chart

We will talk about why John believes that hyperinflationary depression is coming. We will also review what has happened in other economies that have experienced hyperinflation and what those experiences say about precautions we can take now.

I will be covering current events in Money & Markets and responding to questions in Ask Catherine. If you are a subscriber to The Solari Report, you can post your questions for John or me at your private panel. Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, listen online, or by downloading the mp3 after it is posted on Friday.

If you would like to learn more about The Solari Report and subscribe, click here. Subscribers enjoy access to our complete MP3 archive.

This week’s Money and Markets charts will be posted at the blog on Thursday morning.

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