For the last year, several members of the Solari network have been lobbying me to try Fuel Freedom International’s MPG-CAPSâ„¢. These are small caplets that are added to my gas which improve mileage and engine performance and reduce emissions. I bought some but postponed trying them as I am particularly fond of my car. It has taken me over 200,000 miles through many amazing adventures since 2000 without complaint. I did not want to put a strange item in my gas tank without recommendations and more education from someone who I know well and trust.

I drove up to Philadelphia, Vermont and Boston to visit with family during the holidays, landing in New Jersey to spend Christmas with long standing allies Eunice Boston and Courtney McFarquhar. They sat me down and walked me through all the materials, products and their experience with FFI and MPG-CAPSâ„¢. I had mine in my car with me so I used them on the 1100 mile drive returning to my home in Tennessee.

Courtney says the company guarantees a 7-14% improvement or you get your money back. I estimate I got a 20% improvement in mileage, my engine performance was noticeably better and it seemed to me that fumes were reduced. So I am going to keep using them.

Courtney assures me that the product works for both gas and diesel and there is liquid product MPG-BOOSTâ„¢ that makes fine tuning the additions to your tank easier for trucks, farm equipment, etc. I brought some of
the liquid home to give to trucking and farming family and friends to try.

Given the speed at which the Federal Reserve is pumping the money supply, a 7-14%+ improvement may not offset all the price increases coming in energy costs this year, but it sure helps.

If you want to learn more or order, here are Eunice and Courtney’s contact information.

For Individuals:

Eunice Boston
Phone Number: 646.533.9756
Online Ordering:

For more on Eunice Boston for those who need facilities management services in the New York area, click here.

For Businesses, Municipalities and Commercial Applications:

Courtney McFarquhar
Phone Number: 718.865.7730
Online Ordering:

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