***CAF Note: In the world of modified limited hangouts, the Pentagon waste story is the equivalent of the Caddyshack Gopher. You can’t kill it, although it makes no sense, and it just won’t go away. It is the ultimate “cover story.” Lockheed Martin is the largest contractor to the US government and the Defense Department. It has the amazing opportunity to sell weapons to DOD and to also provide and operate IT and payments systems. Imagine if the firm doing your accounting systems and writing your checks was writing them to themselves. Hmmmm.

Lockheed’s stock is publicly traded, so we know they have no problem producing audited financial statements on time each year. And their stock is going gangbusters so it appears government cutbacks are NO PROBLEMO. Will someone please call Reuters and tell them to do a search for “black budget” and “financial coup d’etat?” Or at least read the Solari Missing Money page and “Coming Clean Over the Fiscal Cliff” linked below.***

By Scot J. Paltrow and Kelly Carr

As Christmas 2011 approached, U.S. Army medic Shawn Aiken was once again locked in desperate battle with a formidable foe. Not insurgents in Iraq, or Taliban fighters in Afghanistan – enemies he had already encountered with distinguished bravery.

This time, he was up against the U.S. Defense Department.

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