Join Dr. Joseph Farrell and Catherine at the Launch Party!

Saturday, October 15, 2016, 7-11pm
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Grand Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund-Logo_325x216

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Are you are ready for the Joseph P. Farrell Pipe Organ Crowdfund? Our team is working with some of our favorite FOJ – Friends of Joseph – to launch a crowdfunding for a virtual pipe organ (that is a very real organ with digital pipes) for our dear friend and ally Dr. Joseph Farrell. Stay tuned for the “high octane” composition that flows from Joseph and his new organ.

We are converging on Tulsa from all four directions on October 15th to drink wine, share a great dinner and celebrate the good things that flow from friendship, music and merriment. You do not want to miss this historic launch party in the heartland of America!

The Joseph P. Farrell Pipe Organ Crowdfund…it’s coming!


Lodging List

Trip Advisor Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tickets: $50.00 per person

Here is a picture from our organ builder Chris Martin of a similar organ to the one that will be built for Joseph:


See: Martin Digital Organs






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