Well the fool (or morals tutor as he prefers) over at gifthub.org has done it again. For some reason, he thinks philanthropy is supposed to be REAL. It is one thing to out the criminal enterprise of housing bubbles and “piratization” as I have tried to do. It is quite another to pull the system’s most prized air cover out from over it’s patriarchs and matriarchs. That is some kind of REAL high WASP chutzpah.

Next thing we know this fool will be asking Jay Hughes to explain what Michael Corleone (played by Al Pacino) meant in Godfather III — “The higher I go, the crookeder it becomes.”

These folk are very sensitive about all the “holier than thou” stuff. We are talking real money here.That said, I’m no cynic. If we have a REAL morals tutor, then maybe we could have a REAL aristocracy which takes responsibility to manage their REAL conduct and intergenerational pools of capital in a manner which nurtures REAL civilization. After all, before you can have REAL law, you need someone who we can trust to see right from wrong and teach the rest of us where and when to draw the line.

“As to the history of the Revolution, my ideas may be peculiar, perhaps singular. What do We Mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it. The Revolution was in the minds of the People …”
— John Adams

Say a prayer for our morals tutor. He stands between us and the abyss.

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