Screenshot from Brannon Howse Live

Watch Melissa’s hair-raising interview with Brannon Howse from WVW Broadcast Network here.

Melissa Strickler McAtee is our hero this week for speaking up about high weirdness at Pfizer. Melissa is —or rather was—a Quality Auditor for Pfizer at the McPherson, Kansas plant, having worked for the company for almost ten years. Her job was to inspect products, paperwork, protocols, and more. She became suspicious when she saw the liquid in the Covid-19 vaccine vials emitting a mysterious fluorescent bluish light. Her co-workers reported to her that the workers mixing the ingredients were not allowed to know what the ingredients were.

Strickler McAtee also gave an extensive interview to Project Veritas where she recently exposed the company’s practice of using “fetal cells” while developing the Covid-19 vaccine.

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